Tocsen App

Be One Of The Heroes Nearby

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A Message No One Wants To Get

Someone has fallen. Now it's time for action!

By using the free Tocsen app, you become a member of an important rescue community and a first responder, even if you don't own a Tocsen crash helmet sensor yourself.

Heroes Nearby

Be part of the cross-sport, first responder community should someone need help. If you are within 3km / 1.8mi of an incident, the app can guide you to the scene to assist.

Yes, Anyone

Cyclists, winter sports enthusiasts, equestrians, hikers, etc. help each other.

Become One OfThe Heroes Nearby!

By using the free Tocsen app, you become a member of an important rescue community and a first responder, even if you don't own a Tocsen crash helmet sensor yourself.